Prepare for Surgery

Getting Ready for Your Orthopaedic Surgery

At Dr. Nikhil S. Charde’s practice, we are committed to ensuring that your surgery experience is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Follow these guidelines to prepare for your upcoming orthopaedic surgery:

Pre-Surgery Checklist

1. Consultation and Preoperative Assessment:**
– Attend all scheduled consultations with Dr. Nikhil S. Charde to discuss your surgery details and ask any questions you may have.
– Complete any required preoperative tests or assessments, such as blood tests, X-rays, or MRI scans.

2. Medications and Health Management:
– Inform Dr. Charde about all medications, supplements, and allergies.
– Follow instructions regarding medication adjustments before surgery, particularly if you are on blood thinners or other critical medications.

3. Lifestyle Adjustments:
– Cease smoking and limit alcohol consumption as advised by Dr. Charde, as these can affect your recovery.
– Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to ensure your body is in optimal condition for surgery.

4. Home Preparation:
– Arrange for someone to assist you at home post-surgery, especially if you will have limited mobility.
– Prepare your living space to make it safe and accessible, including setting up a comfortable recovery area with necessary supplies.

5. Day Before Surgery:
– Follow any fasting instructions provided by Dr. Charde. Typically, this means no eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery day.
– Confirm your arrival time and the location of your surgery.

Day of Surgery

1. Arrival:
– Arrive at the hospital or clinic on time. Dr. Nikhil S. Charde performs surgeries at the following locations:
– Barde Hospital, Narkhed:** Bazar Chowk, Narkhed
– Phoenix Multispeciality Clinic, Nagpur:** Rode Hospital, Mhalgi Nagar Square, Ashirwad Nagar Ring Road, Nagpur

2. What to Bring:
– Bring a list of your current medications, your ID, and any necessary paperwork.
– Wear loose, comfortable clothing and leave valuables at home.

3. Pre-Surgery Procedures:
– You will meet with the surgical team and undergo any final preparations.
– An anesthesiologist will discuss anesthesia options with you.

Post-Surgery Care

Dr. Charde and his team will provide detailed post-operative care instructions. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for a successful recovery. Ensure you attend all follow-up appointments and report any unusual symptoms immediately.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further information about preparing for your surgery, please contact us:

Phone: 7888096906

We are here to support you every step of the way and ensure your surgical experience is as positive and successful as possible.

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