Joint Replacement

Expert Joint Replacement Surgery by Dr. Nikhil S. Charde

Welcome to the Joint Replacement page at Dr. Nikhil S. Charde’s orthopaedic practice. Dr. Charde, a renowned orthopaedic surgeon in Nagpur, specializes in joint replacement surgeries, offering advanced treatment options to restore mobility and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from severe joint pain and dysfunction.

Understanding Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery involves removing the damaged or diseased parts of a joint and replacing them with artificial components, known as prostheses. This procedure is typically recommended for patients with severe arthritis or joint damage that does not respond to conservative treatments.

Conditions Treated with Joint Replacement

Dr. Nikhil S. Charde treats various conditions that may require joint replacement surgery, including:

  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease causing cartilage breakdown and joint pain.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder causing chronic inflammation and joint damage.
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Arthritis resulting from joint injury or trauma.
  • Avascular Necrosis: The death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply, leading to joint destruction.
  • Congenital Joint Disorders: Joint abnormalities present at birth causing pain and dysfunction.

Types of Joint Replacement Surgeries

Dr. Charde performs various types of joint replacement surgeries, tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient:

1. Hip Replacement:

  • Total Hip Replacement: Replacing both the acetabulum (hip socket) and the femoral head (thigh bone) with prosthetic components.
  • Partial Hip Replacement: Replacing only the femoral head, often recommended for fractures or limited arthritis.

2. Knee Replacement:

  • Total Knee Replacement: Replacing the entire knee joint, including the femur, tibia, and patella, with prosthetic components.
  • Partial Knee Replacement: Replacing only the damaged part of the knee, preserving healthy bone and tissue.

3. Shoulder Replacement:

  • Total Shoulder Replacement: Replacing the entire shoulder joint, including the humeral head and the glenoid cavity.
  • Reverse Shoulder Replacement: A specialized procedure for patients with severe rotator cuff damage.

4. Elbow Replacement:

  • Replacing the damaged parts of the elbow joint with prosthetic components to restore function and relieve pain.

5. Ankle Replacement:

  • Replacing the damaged ankle joint with prosthetic components to improve mobility and reduce pain.

The Joint Replacement Process

  1. Initial Consultation:
    • Dr. Charde conducts a thorough evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic imaging, to assess the extent of joint damage and determine the best treatment approach.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plan:
    • A customized treatment plan is developed, considering the patient’s overall health, activity level, and individual goals. This plan includes detailed information about the recommended surgery, recovery process, and expected outcomes.
  3. Pre-Surgical Preparation:
    • Patients receive comprehensive guidance on preparing for surgery, including pre-operative tests, medication management, and lifestyle modifications to optimize surgical outcomes.
  4. Surgical Procedure:
    • Dr. Charde performs the joint replacement surgery using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure precision and effectiveness.
  5. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation:
    • A structured rehabilitation program is designed to restore strength, flexibility, and function. This includes physical therapy, pain management, and regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress.
  6. Ongoing Care and Support:
    • Dr. Charde and his team provide continuous support and guidance throughout the recovery process, ensuring the best possible outcomes for each patient.

Why Choose Dr. Nikhil S. Charde for Joint Replacement?

Expertise and Experience:
Dr. Nikhil S. Charde has extensive experience in performing joint replacement surgeries, achieving excellent results for his patients. His advanced training and expertise ensure the highest standard of care.

Personalized Approach:
Dr. Charde believes in a patient-centered approach, tailoring each treatment plan to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the individual. This ensures the most effective and appropriate care.

Advanced Techniques:
Dr. Charde utilizes the latest surgical techniques and technologies to enhance the precision, safety, and effectiveness of joint replacement procedures.

Comprehensive Care:
From the initial consultation through rehabilitation and beyond, Dr. Charde and his team provide continuous support and guidance, ensuring a smooth and successful recovery journey.

Success Stories

Many patients have experienced significant improvements in mobility, function, and quality of life through joint replacement surgery with Dr. Nikhil S. Charde. His expertise and compassionate care have made a profound difference in their lives.

Our Location

Dew Medicare & Trinity Hospital, Nagpur
Address: 80-81, Hindustan Colony, Near Kothari Hospital, Wardha Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440015
OPD Hours: Monday to Saturday, 11 AM to 3 PM
Phone: +91 78880 96906

Contact Us

If you are suffering from severe joint pain and dysfunction and are considering joint replacement surgery, contact Dr. Nikhil S. Charde’s practice to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to provide the comprehensive care and support you need to achieve a successful outcome and improve your quality of life.

Thank you for considering Dr. Nikhil S. Charde for your orthopaedic care. We are committed to helping you live a healthier and more active life.

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